Music Students

Young music students are now preparing for ABRSM performance exams and the new repertoire pathway exams at Trinity College London.
This is an excellent opportunity for enthusiastic students to work rapidly through the grade examinations and the new repertoire exams at Trinity college are proving to be a popular choice.

For instrumentalists it is important for correct technique and posture to be maintained at all times.
My piano student pictured above was complimented in her exam report for having excellent hand positioning and my flute student shown on the right also has excellent hand and finger control over her instrument.
Piano Students
Young piano students can prepare for exams and for grades VI, VII and VIII, a pass, merit, or distinction will gain additional UCAS points.
Adult students may have a particular repertoire that they would like to study and I have some classic editions for piano in my music library.
More sheet music in the public domain for study can be found at the Petrucci Music Library -

Flute Students
For ABRSM performance video exams four pieces are required from the current syllabus.
For the Trinity College London repertoire video exams four pieces are also required, one being unaccompanied.